
  • Guide to Oregon Music Festivals

    Guide to Oregon Music Festivals

    The weather is finally warming up and soon the clouds will start to depart. That means it is almost peak festival season! If you are a musician wondering which festivals you would like to play at, an event coordinator wondering which location and time frame you would like to host an event, or just a… Read more

  • Insights into the PNW Music Industry: Folk Rock Artist, Cowboyd

    Insights into the PNW Music Industry: Folk Rock Artist, Cowboyd

    Have you ever wondered about the experience of up and coming artists in The Pacific Northwest? In this post, I will be showcasing an interview with Oregon-based folk rock artist, Christian Boyd, AKA Cowboyd, how he got into the industry, and how he navigates venues, social media, music videos, and promotion. I am hoping this… Read more

  • Saving Seattle’s Soul: The Showbox Theatre Crisis and The Power of Public Relations

    Saving Seattle’s Soul: The Showbox Theatre Crisis and The Power of Public Relations

    Crises are unforeseeable challenges that can occur in any industry, even the music industry. In 2018, the Showbox faced a very looming crisis that sent shockwaves through the Pacific Northwest music community: the threat of closure due to proposed redevelopment plans for the building’s site. I will be explaining this crisis and how good PR… Read more

  • Hype! The Rise and Spread of the Grunge Scene in Seattle

    Hype! The Rise and Spread of the Grunge Scene in Seattle

    “Seattle… is currently to the rock ’n’ roll world what Bethlehem was to Christianity” SPIN, December 1992 The documentary “Hype!” from 1996 is a perfect example of rising trends in music and how public relations have helped shape it. The documentary is about the punk “grunge” scene in Seattle, how it started, how it rose… Read more

  • Infographics: Which Streaming Platform Should You Use?

    Infographics: Which Streaming Platform Should You Use?

    This blog post will be talking about infographics. Infographics are a great way to relay information in an easily digestible and easily distributable way. They are a visual image that is used to show information. How does this relate to music in the pacific northwest? With all of the streaming platforms available nowadays, it may… Read more

  • Let’s Talk About Corporate Social Responsibility in The Music Industry

    Let’s Talk About Corporate Social Responsibility in The Music Industry

    Corporate social responsibility can be defined as “actions that appear to further some social good, beyond the interests of the firm and that which is required by law.” The music industry is a huge influence on people’s lives already, I feel that they are required to uphold ethics, sustainability, and social responsibility.  While musicians aren’t… Read more